Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Outside Facts Part 3

austinhall | 2/27/2013 10:22:00 PM | Be the first to comment! | +1

1. The warship Michigan  fired its guns at the begining of the fair. This ship was the first ship to run on superimposed type turrets.(pg.239)

2. The panic of 1893 played a significant role towards the begining of the fair. Due to the stock market crash, very few people were coming to the fair and there was fear of the fair being a failure all together.(pg.240)

3. At the time there was an obvious class sepertation as portrayed in the novel. It makes the comparison of the black city to the white city, where the black city is the slums and cluttered houses of those less fortunate and the white city is for the people that had money or at least acted like they did.(pg.247)

4. Thomas Edison invented the Kinetoscope which put a step forward in to making modern day motion pictures.(pg.247)

5. There were many new inventions during this time period at the fair including the telephone, zipper, electric dishwasher, Juicy Fruit, and Cracker Jacks.(pg.247)

6. The people at the fair were able to see the first electic chair which although morbid, it played a major role in the debate of whether an alternating or direct curent should be used when channeling everyday electricity.(pg.267)

7. The Ferris wheel proved to be one of Americas greatest architectual achievments at the time. Although there was an accident it portrayed America's rising attraction to amusement rides.

8. Due to the overcrowding of the fair and the poor condition in transportation, there were many cases of minor injury and sicknesses that were accounted for. Although the fair was supposed to be almost a perfect place many people had to be cautious of hazardous items or sickness.(pg.284)

9. The helium balloon the Chicago also became a main attraction ot the fair next to the Ferris Wheel and along with the wheel proved to be some of the great engineering of the time period.(pg.299.)

10. People gathered at the lakefront to hear Samuel Gompers speak. Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor a successful labor union which is still around today.(pg.315)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Discussion Questions : Part 2

Madiha | 2/26/2013 06:15:00 PM | 1 Comment so far | +1

1. How was the invention of light bulb significant to the World's Fair?

2. How did the excitement for the fair contribute to the success of Holmes's plans?

3. Throughout chapter, once again, Holmes murders many more. Why do you think Holmes mainly attacks women?

4. In what ways did Chicago's world fair of 1893 change America?

5. In what ways did the fair served as catalyst for the visitors from other cities?

The Devil in the White City Part 3

Eun Shin | 2/26/2013 12:20:00 AM | Be the first to comment! | +1

Finally get to see the opening of the Fair; also, the first success on the rotation of the Ferry's Wheel, woots!
Of course, we get to see Holmes murder more people D:

Austin - Ding-Dings
Madhia - Discussion Qs
Eun - Answering Discussion Qs

Friday, February 22, 2013

Outside Facts : Part 2

Madiha | 2/22/2013 08:21:00 PM | 2 Comments so far | +1

  • Foreign labor discrimination was high during this time period. Fifity Italian immigrants were hired by McArthur Brothers to work in Jackson park. When the news of work spread union workers stormed into park and drove American workers off, They also start bringing sticks along with them and began beating the foreign laborers. (pg 119)
  • Labor unions began to come into power during this time period. The city's union met with officers of the fair and demanded to limit the workday to eight hours, pay union scale-wages, and hire union workers before all others. High unemployment rates and labor demands requested from fair directors led to conflicts. (pg 119)
  • The Gospel of wealth- When National commission wanted financial control , the exposition company refused to do so , stating that the company had raised the money, and by God the company would spend it in whatever way they want. According to them God had blessed the "company" with this money.(pg 119)
  • women were given many opportunities in this new era. Inventions like typewriter and telephone created more roles for women. Sophia Hayden of Boston won the contest of designing the women building for the fair (pg 120) , Minnie williams(who was in love with Holmes) got job as a stenographer for a law firm and then later worked for Holmes as his personal stenographer (pg 202)
  • Patrick Prendergast grieved when Harrison lost the election. He hoped that if he helped Harrison in his re-election he would recieve a job in reward. This can easily be related to the corrupt spoil system.(pg 130)
  • J.P Morgan who beacme powerful by eliminating his competition took over Edison's company merging it with other major companies and created General Electric company. It competed with Westinghouse Electric company on who should wire Jackson park. Having cheap but effecient electricity Westinghouse Electric company won the bid.This shows the power and tactics that corporations used.(pg131)
  • Exposition influenced many inventions of Thomas Edison also known as the wizard of Menlo park as he invented light bulb, phonograph and motion pictures(131)
  • Many magical stories and production by Walt Disney, son of Elias Disney told stories about the construction of this magical realm beside the lake. This was all inspired by the exposition. (pg 153)
  • Foreign relations of United States were strengthning slowly - Japanese delegates attented the fair. (pg 157).
  • Pledge of Allegiance for the United states was created for the exposition by Francis J. Bellamy. It was a symbol of patriotism and unison in America. (pg181)
  • George Washington Gale Ferris proposed his plan for out-Eiffeling Eiffel by creating the Ferris wheel. (pg 185)
  • Numerous jobs formed by the construction of the fair helped decreasing the effects of Panic of 1893. (pg 206)
  • Pullman railroads were used to carry visitors to the fair as the rates of new order had fallen sharply (pg 206)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Devil in the White City Discussion Questions : Part II

Eun Shin | 2/21/2013 04:50:00 PM | 1 Comment so far | +1

Picture of H.H. Holmes

1. Hoe does Emiline reflect the changing role of women in society?

2. How do women's retraction and attitudes towards Holmes show the new role of women?

3. How do the repeated strikes of unions in the World's Fair reflect the current national issues of Unions vs corporations?

4. How did the electricity took its role in the fair's construction?

5. How does Burnham, Holmes, and Olmstead represent the three different social classes and the transition to industrialization?

6. How did the new technologies such as electricity and the Ferry's Wheel reflect of the new and powerful industrial America?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Part 1 Discussion Q's

Unknown | 2/18/2013 09:54:00 PM | 2 Comments so far | +1

1. Alhtough Chicago was described as a city with frequent death from accident to murder, why was it picked as a superior place to hold the World's Fair as opposed to New York, St. Louis, and Washington?

2. How is the World's Fair in Chicago and the mysterious works of H.H. Holmes a good representation of the Gilded Age as a whole?

3. The book states that at the time the economy is in shambles and that in that financial institutions are in large amounts of debt. How could the economic panic effect the Fair was built and the overall meaning of the fair?

4. Does Burnhams decision to hire architects from outside Chicago betray the city or embody the spirit of the World's Fair?

5. What kind of future issues are Root's death going to bring to Burnham and how did his friends death somewhat motivate him to continue?

PART I Summary

Eun Shin | 2/18/2013 02:05:00 AM | Be the first to comment! | +1

Chapter 1: "The Black City"
Introduces to the city of Chicago: its weather, its people, and its frequency of death.

Chapter 2: "The Trouble Is Just Begun"
There are 4 cities put in bids for the 1893 World’s Fair: Chicago, New York, Washington, and St. Louis. Also, shows two characters, Burnham and Root, life in past and present. Then, explores to Burnham and Root meeting for the first time, where they eventually build a successful firm together. Because of Burnham’s quality architect genius and Root’s skilled and talent architectural genius, these two men were perfect. Finally, it was announced that the Chicago will be a host city for 1893 World’s Fair. Then, they form the World’s Columbian Exposition Company to develop the fair.

Chapter 3: "The Necessary Supply"
Chapter is introduced to H.H. Holmes then back to his childhood as a Mudgett. After medical school, he moves around from city to city until he lands in Chicago. Holmes, then, work at E.S. Holton Drugs; after the death of Mr. Holton, Holmes offers to buy the business from Mrs. Holton. She agrees, and Holmes takes out a loan against the store to pay for this business venture. Soon after, Mrs. Holton mysteriously disappears.

Chapter 4: "Becomingness"
The exposition company offers Burnham to visit the sites; so, Burnham sends his friend. Olmstead if introduced who is well-known landscape architect; Burnham, then proudly offers Olmstead to be part of the building the fair. Also, introduces Patrick Prendergast who apparently will greatly affect the Chicago’s fair. He’s very open in political mind. Lacks on picking where to build the buildings. Lastly, Burnham is officially named chief of construction of the fair, and he officially hires Root and Olmsted.

Chapter 5: "Don't Be Afraid"
Holmes succeeds as a pharmacist and finds and marries women at Minneapolis. Myrta gets jealous of girls who contact with Holmes, she, then, gets depressed and writes letters to her parents. Holmes buys a land across the street, where he dreams to build a building; refuses to hire an architect because his secret plans would be revealed. He builds own and contracts out several workers. Holmes gets very linked to Benjamin Pietzel and Jackson Park becomes the official location for the World’s Fair.

Chapter 6: "Pilgrimage"
Root’s design is approved then himself and Burnham hires five most accomplished architects across America.

Chapter 7: "A Hotel for the Fair"
Holmes begins construction on building renovations to create a hotel for the World’s fair.

Chapter 8: "The Landscape of Regret"
Olmstead and architects goes to Chicago, Burnham show Jackson Park, where they all dislikes the location and view.

Chapter 9: "Vanishing Point"
Ned Conner, his wife Julia, and daughter Pearl move into Holmes's building so that Ned can run the jewelry counter in Holmes's pharmacy. Ned finds Holmes a bit odd, but Ned never suspects anything of Holmes. Officers cannot figure out the reason of people’s disappearance.

Chapter 10: "Alone"
The outside architects meet at Burnham and Root's office to resume discussions about the fair. Root was not at the meeting; Dora calls Burnham later in the day to tell him that Root is sick. Root's condition became worse, and he dies. Shocked by Root's death, Burnham considers quitting the fair, but he convinces himself to carry on.

The Devil in the White City Historical Facts : Part I

Eun Shin | 2/18/2013 01:09:00 AM | Be the first to comment! | +1

* Chicago Tribune, used to spread "big" news (world's fair) to the citizens (pgs 11, 13, 16, ...)
* World's Fair, New York, Washington, St Louis, and Chicago runs for large public exhibition (pg 16-17)
* Panic of 1893, Burnham is concerned with the failure of banks and failure of businesses (pg 20, 97, ...)
* Columbian Exposition Company, as Chicago won a bid for 1893's World's Fair, creates this company to develop a fair (pg 33)
* Union Stock Yards, Burnham & Root’s first major architectural project was designing the entrance to the Chicago Union Stock Yards (pg 20)
* "Cliff-dwellers," new race of business who will innovate the look of the business (pg 26)
* Antebellum South, Olmstead have gone through this region of area and gathered knowledge (pg 53)
* Immigrants, while Holmes is constructing his first building he claims there is no shortage of labor then hires and fires them (pg 67)
* Pinkerton National Detective Agency, a detective agency (pg 85)
*Labor Strikes, Burnham’s concerns involving banks and businesses foreclosing are accompanied by his worry that there will be a labor strike on the construction site as there have been many around the country at the time (pg 97)
Feel free to add more historical facts that you have found in PART I of The Devil In the White City!